Can you FLUNK at Retirement?

Yes, you can! Retirement is a significant change. It is a transition…just like a cross country move, or the loss of a spouse through death or divorce.

Society looks at retirement as a goal, like a finish line. It’s supposed to be a joyous time. And it can be. Yet it may take some ‘work’ to have a successful retirement. As in other transitions, self-awareness, discovery, and reflection are important. 

Know who you are.

Often, identities are attached to the work you do. Accolades and accomplishments become a part of your self-worth. When you leave the work place, you leave those things behind. This can create an emotional void. 

Plan ahead for the transition of retirement. What can replace that sense of accomplishment and bring fulfillment?

What are you retiring TO?

How do you plan to fill your days? This transition may take a few attempts to find a good fit. Do you want to try a new hobby or sport? Explore different non-profits to find the right place to volunteer. Do you have a business you would like to launch?

You may want to start exploring your options before you retire. It can make the transition smoother. I have talked with clients whose job is all-consuming. They don’t have a spare brain cell to consider options. Rather than an abrupt stop to working, ask your employer to consider a transition to part time. 

Make no major decisions during the adjustment period.

Trying to fill emotional disruption can lead to making life-altering mistakes. Selling your home and moving to a new location, self-medicating with alcohol or drugs, or getting a divorce.

This is comparable advice I follow or share with others. When you are in a valley, don’t make major decisions. Wait until the sun is out again. 

Have someone you can talk to.

Retirement is supposed to be “the golden years”. People can be reluctant to share that their retirement isn’t so great. Having a spouse or good friend to talk with can help you process the range of emotions you may be experiencing. If no one is available, then counseling may be the best course of action. 

Keep a positive mental outlook.

Many people feel their lives are over once they retire. Malcom Forbes said, “Retirement kills more people than hard work ever did.”

There is a Second Act for everybody who enters retirement. Some slide easily into retirement. Others need to try different options. It can take a few years to find your groove. Staying positive and hopeful is the foundation that the Second Act needs to thrive.

Our office is here to assist your transition into your Second Act.


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