Retirement Trap: The Gray Divorce

There is a swell of divorces taking place in the senior community. A few years into retirement and couples aren’t doing well with the transition. They are experiencing half the income and twice the spouse!

Splitting the assets can drastically disrupt the financial picture and force a change in your lifestyle.

A few years before retirement, you need to start making a plan for retirement. Figure out how you are going to make this major life transition together. Otherwise you may have “His vision vs Her vision”.

Mitch Anthony in “New Retirementality” encourages retirees to find a balance between vocation and vacation; personal renewal and connecting with others. Couples need to focus on where they are in agreement and work on resolving differences.

These discussions need to begin several years before complete retirement. That gives you time to find creative solutions that brings harmony.

Don’t be one of the casualties – a long term marriage ended because of lack of planning your retirement years.


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